The red giant: Nuraghe Arrubiu

Nuraghe Arrubiu, Orroli, Sardegna
Sardinian landscape is strongly characterized by the presence of nuraghi, still survive 8000 of these buildings, but probably there were about 15,000, were built between 1700 and 1100 A. C. (Protonuraghi or corridor nuraghi are even earlier, that of Monte Baranta was built starting in 2500 BC.). One of the most interesting is located in the southeastern part of Sardinia, it is the Nuraghe Arrubiu of Orroli, whose name means red, probably for lichens which color the stones of a particular warm shade.


 At present it is the largest among those of the island, the only five-lobed, that is formed by a central tower, that archaeologists estimate was about 30 m high. (the highest structure Age and the European bronze, originally had three floors of which today remains only one) and 5 lateral towers, outwardly it is surrounded by a rampart with 15 towers. Archaeologists believe that the various towers were built simultaneously by different trades, the building technology is visually different between the different pieces. Of particular interest in the system of canals for rainwater harvesting in the central patio and the presence of a tower probably dedicated to women’s work (inside it was found spindle whorls, loom weights, bone needles, hand grinders for cereals). If you want advice on what to visit in the surroundings of Villasimius, ask the staff of Residence la Chimera.

Nuraghe Arrubiu, SardegnaPicture of Valeria Putzu

Orroli, Nuraghe ArrubiuPicture of Gianfranco Palmas

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Web: David Oliveras